On orders over £95
Promotion from the Skitarii to Serberys corps is a massive honour. Riding quadrupedal constructs whose clawed limbs allow them to charge over the worst terrain, while the riders are mag-locked into position.
This kit can alternatively be used to build a unit of Serberys Sulphurhounds or Serberys Raiders instead, meaning that regardless of which unit you assemble, you'll end up with plenty of spare components for customising your collection.
Sulphurhounds bear two phosphor pistols, and one in three of the squad can be upgraded to carry a multi-barrelled phosphor carbine. The squad’s alpha is armed with a phosphor blast pistol. Serberys Raiders are equipped with galvanic carbines, finely crafted cavalry sabres. The squad’s alpha is also armed with an archeo-revolver.
This kit is supplied in 103 plastic components with which to assemble three models, each supplied with a Citadel 60mm x 35mm Oval Bases and an Adeptus Mechanicus transfer sheet.